Organic compounds containing at least one pi bond between two carbon atoms.

alkenes and alkynes

Alkenes and Alkynes – Prelude to Electrophilic Addition

Atomic Hybridization & Molecular Orbitals What is Atomic Hybridization? It's often said that carbon is special because it can form four bonds. It does so by orbital and atomic hybridization. While that is true of carbon, other atoms can certainly form four bonds. The important distinction is that carbon forms four strong, stable bonds. On the...

sn1 and e1 reaction unimolecular substitution and elimination after carbocation rearrangement or Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement

SN2 & SN1, E2 & E1. A Simpler Method (Part II)

The Zen of SN2 & SN1, E2 & E1. (Part II) How to Crush Substitution and Elimination With Total Confidence If determining what you should do has you guessing or stumped you completely—you may laugh...or possibly cry...when you realize how simple all of this is: You are normally given an alkyl halide (R-X) which is an electrophile...