
Organic Chemistry Glossary

Glossary Terms in Undergraduate Organic Chemistry & Where They First Appear in This Database.

0-9    A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    O

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Abbreviation, Term, Symbol Class       Database Headings
Δ LAB (heat)
(+)   (see dextrorotatory) I Stereochemistry
(-)    (see levorotatory) I Stereochemistry
1,2-addition I Electrophilic Addition
[1,2]-hydride shift I Carbocations
[1,2]-alkyl shift I Carbocations
1º, 2º, 3º, 4º I Classifying Carbon
[1,3] migration II Pericyclic reactions
1,4-addition II Conjugation, Enones and Enoates
[1,5] migration II Sigmatropic Rearrangements
[1,7] migration II Sigmatropic Rearrangements
[2+2] cycloaddition II Pericyclic Reactions
[3+2] cycloaddition II Pericyclic Reactions
[4+2] cycloaddition I Pericyclic Reactions
9-BBN I Electrophilic Addition
Absolute (pure, neat) LAB
Absolute Configuration I Stereochemistry
Absorbance Spectrum I IR, UV-Vis Spectroscopy
Acetal II Aldehydes and ketones
Acetoacetic Ester Synthesis II Name Reactions
Acetylene I Alkynes
Acetylide Anion I Alkynes
Achiral I Stereochemistry
Acid Anhydride II Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Acid-Catalyzed I Electrophilic Addition
Acid Chloride (also Acid Halide) II Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Acid Ionization Constant I Acids and Bases
Activated Charcoal (Norit) LAB
Activation Energy GEN Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Activating Group II Reactions of Benzene
Actual Yield LAB
Acyl Group    (see acetyl) II Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Acylation Reactions II Reactions of Benzene
Acylium ion II Reactions of Benzene
Adenine II Nucleic Acids
Adenosine II Nucleic Acids
Addition I Electrophilic Addition
Adsorption LAB
Alanine II Peptides and Proteins
Alcohol I Alcohols, Ethers, Epoxides
Alcoholysis II Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Aldehyde II Ketones and Aldehydes
Aldohexose II Sugars
Aldol Reaction II Ketones and Aldehydes II
Aldol Condensation II Ketones and Aldehydes II
Aldose II Sugars
Alkali Metal GEN
Alkaline GEN
Alkaline Earth Metal GEN
Alkaloid II Amines
Alkane I Alkanes
Alkene I Alkenes
Alkyne I Alkynes
Alkoxide I Substitution
Alkyl Group I Nomenclature
Alkyl Halide I Nomenclature
Allene I Alkenes, Stereochemistry
Allyl Groups I Resonance
Allylic carbocations I Resonance
Allylic Position I Resonance
Amino Acid II Peptides and Proteins
a-Anomer II Sugars (Carbohydrates)
a-Carbon II Functional groups
Alpha-helix II Peptides and Proteins
Anisotropy I NMR Spectroscopy
Amalgam II Redox Reactions
Ambident II Ketones and Aldehydes
Amide II Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Amine I Amines I & II
Amine Oxide I Elimination
amu GEN
Angle Strain I Conformational Analysis
Anhydrides II Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Anhydrous LAB
Anion GEN
Annealing II Nucleic Acids
Anomer II Sugars (Carbohydrates)
Anomeric Carbon II Sugars (Carbohydrates)
Anomeric Effect II Electron Delocalization
Anti I Stereochemistry
Anti Addition I Electrophilic Addition
Anti-Markovnikov Addition I Regiochemistry
Anti-periplanar I Newman Projections
Anti-aromaticity II Aromaticity
Antibiotic II Drugs and Enzymes
Anti-bonding Molecular Orbital I Molecular Orbital Theory
Aprotic Solvent I Solvents
Aqueous I Solvents
Arenium Ion I Aromatic Substitution
Arginine II Peptides and Proteins
Arrhenius Rate Equation I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Aryl or Ar- I Nomenclature
Aryl halide II Functional Groups
Asparigine (K or Asp) II Peptides and Proteins
Aspartic Acid II Peptides and Proteins
Asymmetric I Stereochemistry
Asymmetric Stretching I IR Spectroscopy
Atomic Mass GEN
Atomic Number GEN
Atomic Orbital GEN
Atomic Radius GEN
ATP (adenosine triphosphate) II Nucleic Acids
Avagadro’s Number GEN
Axial I Conformational Analysis
Azeotrope LAB
Azide I Substitution
Aziridine I Amines I
Azimuthal Quantum Number I Electron Configuration
Azo Coupling II Reactions of Benzene
Back-sided Attack I Electrophilic Addition, Substitution
Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation II Redox Reactions
Banana Bonds I Cycloalkanes
Base I Acids and Bases
Base-catalyzed I Catalysis
Base Pair II Nucleic Acids
Bond Dissociation Energy (BDE) I Radicals
Bending Mode (IR) I IR Spectroscopy
Benzylic Carbocation I Carbocations
Benzyl group I Nomenclature
Benzylic Position I Resonance
Benzyne II Reactions of Benzene
ß-anomer II Sugars (Carbohydrates)
ß-carbon I Elimination, Conjugate addition
ß-Elimination I Elimination
Betaine II Aldehydes and Ketones
ß-Sheet II Peptides and Proteins
Bicyclic II Nomenclature
Bimolecular GEN, I Elimination, Substitution
Biosynthesis II Advanced Synthetic Strategy
Boat Conformation I Conformational Analysis
Boiling Point I Alkanes
Bond Angle I Bonding & Hybridization
Bond Dipole I Bonding and Hybridization
Bond length I Representing Organic Compounds
Bond Order GEN
Bond Rotation I Conformational Analysis
Bond Stretch I IR Spectroscopy
Bond-Line Structure I Drawing Organic Structures
Bonding Molecular Orbital I Molecular Orbital theory
Borane I Electrophilic Addition
Branching I Nomenclature
Bridged I Polycyclic Compounds
Bromination I Electrophilic Addition & Substitution
Bronsted Acid-Base Theory I Acids and Bases
Butyl group I Nomenclature
Cahn-Ingold-Prelog (C-I-P) Rules I Nomenclature
Carbanion II Carbanions; Reactive intermediates
Carbocation I Carbocations
Carbohydrate II Sugars (Carbohydrates)
Carbon NMR I NMR Spectroscopy
Carbonyl II Ketones and Aldehydes
Carboxylate II Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Carboxylic Acid II Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Carboxylic Acid Derivative II Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Canonical Form I Resonance
Catalyst I Reaction Coordinate Diagrams
Catalytic Hydrogenation I Redox Reactions
Chain Initiation I Radicals
Chain Propagation I Radicals
Chain Termination I Radicals
Chair Conformation I Conformational Analysis
Chair Flip I Conformational Analysis
Chemical Shift I NMR Spectroscopy
Chirality I Stereochemistry
Chiral Center I Stereochemistry
Chlorination I,II Electrophilic Addition
Cholesterol II Fats & Lipids
Chromatography LAB Lab
Cis I Stereochemistry
Claisen Condensation II Condensation Reactions
Claisen Rearrangement II Pericyclic Reactions
Clemmensen Reduction II Redox Reactions
Combustion I Alkanes
Concerted Reaction I Substitution
Condensation Reactions II Condensation Reactions
Condensed Formula I Representing Organic Compounds
Configuration I Stereochemistry
Configurational Isomer I Stereochemistry
Conformation I Isomerism
Conformational Isomer I Isomerism
Conformer I Isomerism
Conjugate Acid I Acids and Bases
Conjugate Base I Acids and Bases
Conjugation I Resonance
Constitutional isomer I Isomerism
Coordination Compounds I Organotransition Metal Chemistry
Coupling I NMR Spectroscopy
Coupling Constant (J) I NMR Spectroscopy
Covalent Bond I Atoms and Molecules
Crown Ethers I Alcohols, Ethers, Epoxides
Cuprate I,II Organometallic Compounds
Curved Arrow I Arrow pushing and Mechanism
Cycloaddition Reaction I Pericyclic Reactions
Cycloalkane I Alkanes, Nomenclature
Cyclobutadiene II Aromaticity
Cyclooctatetraene II Aromaticity
Cyclopentadienyl anion II Aromaticity
Cyclopentadienyl cation II Aromaticity
Cyclopropane I Cycloalkanes
Cyclopropenyl cation II Aromaticity
Cysteine II Peptides and Proteins
Cystine II Peptides and Proteins
Cytosine II Nucleic Acids
d (same as (+)) I Stereochemistry
D I Stereochemistry
Dalton GEN (an atomic mass unit)
Deactivating Group II Reactions of Benzene
Deactivator II Reactions of Benzene
Decarboxylation II Condensation Reactions
Decomposition LAB
Degenerate I Resonance Structures
Delocalization I Resonance Structures
Deoxyribonucleic Acid II Nucleic Acids
Deprotection / Deblocking II Ketones and Aldehydes
Deprotonate I Acids & Bases
DEPT II NMR spectroscopy
Deshielded I NMR spectroscopy
Desolvation I NMR spectroscopy
Destructive Interference I NMR spectroscopy
Detergent II Fats and Lipids
Detonation LAB
Deuterium I Mass Spectrometry
Dewar Benzene I Benzene & Aromatics
Dextrorotatory (D or d or +) I Stereochemistry
Dextrose I Sugars
Diastereomer I Stereochemistry
Diatomic GEN
Diaxial Interaction I Conformational Analysis
Diazonium Cation II Reactions of Benzene
Diazonium Salt II Reactions of Benzene
Diazotization II Reactions of Benzene
DIBAL II Redox Reactions
Dichloromethane  (methylene chloride) LAB Solvents (Chart)
Dichromate I Redox Reactions
Dieckmann Condensation II Condensation Reactions
Dielectric Constant I Solvents
Diels-Alder Reaction      [4+2] cycloaddition I Dienes
Diene I Dienes
Dieneophile I Dienes
Diethyl ether I Solvents
Diffraction I Refractive Index
Diffraction Pattern I Refractive Index
Dihedral angle I Conformational Analysis
Dimer I Refractive Index
Dimethylformamide (DMF) I Solvents
Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) I Solvents
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) I Solvents
Diol I Redox Reactions
Dipeptide I Peptides and Proteins
Dipole I Bonding and Hybridization
Dipole Moment GEN
Disproportionation II Redox Reactions
Diprotic Acid GEN
Diradical II Alkenes, aromatization
Directing Group I Reactions of Benzene
Disaccharide II Sugars
Dispersion Force (London Force) I Intermolecular Forces
Distillation LAB
Disubstituted I Nomenclature
Disulfide I Peptides and Proteins
Disulfide Bridge I Peptides and Proteins
Divalent Anions and Cations I Formal Charge
Double Bond I Alkenes
Double Bond Equivalent (DBE) I Index of Unsaturation IU
Double-headed Arrow I Arrow Pushing and Mechanism
Double Helix II Nucleic Acids
Doublet I NMR Spectroscopy
Downfield I NMR Spectroscopy
Drug II Drugs, Enzymes, and Activation
e I Solvents
E (Ger. entgegen) I Stereochemistry
E1 Mechanism I Elimination
E1 Reaction I Elimination
E1CB Mechanism I Elimination
E2 Mechanism I Elimination
E2 Reaction I Elimination
Ea I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Early Transition State I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Eclipsed I Conformational Analysis
%ee (enantiomeric excess) I Stereochemistry
Election Configuration I Electron Configuration
Electron Delocalization I Resonance; Conjugation
Electron Donating Group I Dienes
Electron Pair Repulsion I Structure and Bonding
Electron-Sea (Sea of Electrons) Model I Special Topic
Electron Withdrawing Group (EWG) I Dienes
Electronegative GEN
Electronegativity GEN
Electroneutral GEN
Electrophile I Reactions
Electrophilic Addition Reaction I Alkenes
Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution II Reactions of Benzene
Electropositive GEN
Elimination Reaction I Eliminations
Emulsion II, LAB Fats and Lipids
Enamine II Ketones and Aldehydes
Enantiomeric Excess I Stereochemistry
Enantiomer I Stereochemistry
Endergonic I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Endothermic I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Energy Profile or Reaction Coordinate I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Enol I Isomers, Tautomerization
Enolate II Reactions at the alpha-Carbon
Enolization II Reactions at the alpha-Carbon
Enone II Enones and Enoates
Enthalpy of Combustion I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Enthalpy of Formation I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Enthalpy of Hydrogenation I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Enzyme II Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Epoxide I Alcohols, ethers epoxides
Equation of State GEN
Equilibrium GEN
Equilibrium Constant GEN
Equatorial I Conformational analysis
Equivalent I Lab
Ester II Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Et- (Ethyl) I Nomenclature
Ether I Alcohols, Ethers, Epoxides
Ethyl acetate I Solvents
Ethyl ether I Solvents
Ethyne (acetylene) I Alkynes
Evaporation GEN Lab; aka Vaporization
Excess Reagent (“xs“) I Alkynes, Lab
Excited State I Molecular Orbital Theory
Exergonic I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Exothermic I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Expanded Octet I Trends in the Periodic Table
Extinction Coefficient I Spectroscopy
Fatty Acid II Fats and Lipids
Fingerprint Region I IR Spectroscopy
First Order Coupling I NMR Spectroscopy
First Order Splitting I NMR Spectroscopy
Fischer Esterification II Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Fischer Projection I,II Sugars, Stereochemistry
Five Zone Analysis II Drug Formulation Medicinal Chem.
Fluorination II Reactions of Benzene
Formal Charge I Bonding and Hybridization
Fractional Distillation LAB
Fragment Ion (formerly “Daughter” ion) I Mass Spectrometry
Fragmentation I Mass Spectrometry
Free Radical I Radical Reactions
Friedel-Crafts Acylation II Reactions of Benzene
Friedel-Crafts Alkylation II Reactions of Benzene
Front-side Attack II
Fullerenes II Allotropes of Carbon
Functional Group I Functional Groups
Fused II Polycyclic Ring Systems
Gas Chromatography LAB  Analytical Chemistry
Gauche I Conformational Analysis
GC LAB  Analytical Chemistry
GC-MS LAB  Analytical Chemistry
Geminal or (1,1) I Nomenclature
Geometric Isomer (obsolete) I Isomerism
Gibbs Free Energy I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Gibbs-Helmholtz Equation I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Gilman Reagent I Organometallics
Glucose II Sugars
Glutamic Acid II Peptides and Proteins
Glutamine II Peptides and Proteins
Glycerol II Fats and Lipids
Glycine II Peptides and Proteins
Glycosidic Bond II Sugars (Carbohydrates)
Grignard Reaction II Epoxides, Carbonyl Compounds
Grignard Reagent I Organometallic
Grob Fragmentation II Named Reactions
Ground State I Reaction Coordinate Diagrams
Guanine II Nucleic Acids
1,2-hydride shift I Carbocations; Electorphilic Addition
1H-NMR I NMR Spectroscopy
hv GEN Energy of a photon (Plank’s constant · wavelength)
H-Bond I Intermolecular interactions
Halide I Functional Groups
Haloalkane I Functional Groups
Haloarene I Functional Groups
Halogen I Trends in the Periodic Table
Halogenation I,II Addition, Substitution
Hammond Postulate I Transition State Theory
Hard/Soft Acid/Base Theory (HSAB) I Polar Reactions
Haworth Projection (pronounced “hay”+”worth”) II Sugars
Heat of Combustion I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Heat of Formation I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Heat of Hydrogenation I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Hemiacetal (hemiketal has obsolesced from IUPAC) II Ketones and Aldehydes
Henderson-HasselBalch Equation GEN Acids and Bases
Henry’s Law GEN Partial Pressures
Hess’s Law GEN Heat summation
HETCOR LAB Advanced Spectroscopy
Heteroatom I Functional Groups
Heterocycle I Functional Groups
Heterogeneous I Catalysis
Heterolysis I Transition State Theory
Heterolytic Bond Cleavage I Transition State Theory
Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO) I Molecular Orbitals
Histidine II Peptides and Proteins
HMQC II NMR (Advanced)
HOAc (or AcOH) acetic acid I Nomenclature, Solvents
Hofmann Degradation II Named Reactions, Amines
Hofmann Elimination II Named Reactions, Amines
Hofmann’s Rule I Elimination
HOMO-LUMO Gap I Molecular Orbital Theory
Homogeneous I Catalysis
Homolysis I Transition State
Homolytic Bond Cleavage I Transition State
Hooke’s Law GEN
Huckel’s Rule II Aromaticity
Hybrid Orbital I Bonding and Hybridization
Hydration I Electrophilic Addition
Hydride I Redox Reactions
Hydroboration I Electrophilic Addition
Hydroboration-Oxidation Reaction I Electrophilic Addition
Hydrolysis II Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Hydronium Ion I Acids and Bases
Hydrophilic GEN Solvents
Hydrophobic GEN Solvents
Hydrophobic Effect GEN Solvents
Hygroscopic LAB
Hyperconjugation I Electron Delocalization
I or spin quantum number (±½) I Electron Configuration
Imidazole II Aromatics
Imine II Aldehydes and Ketones
Immiscible I Solvents
In silico GEN (In glass)
In situ I (In the reaction system)
In vitro I (In glass)
In vivo I (In a living organism)
Indole II Aromatics, Alkaloids
Inductive Effect I Electron Delocalization
Infrared Spectroscopy I IR Spectroscopy
Infrared Spectrum I IR Spectroscopy
Inhibitor II Radical Reactions
Initiation I Radical Reactions
Initiator I Radical Reactions
Integration I NMR Spectroscopy
Intermediate I Reactive Intermediates
Intermolecular I Reaction Dynamics
Internal alkene I Alkenes
Internal alkyne I Alkynes
Intramolecular I Reaction Dynamics
Inversion of Configuration I Stereochemistry
Iodination I Electrophilic Addition & Substitution
Iodoform Reaction II Ketones and Aldehydes
Ionic Bond GEN Bonding and Hybridization
Ionization I
i-Pr I Nomenclature
Ipso and Ipso Substitution I Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution
IR I IR Spectroscopy
Isoelectronic I Organometallics
Isoleucine I Peptides and Proteins
Isomer I Isomerism
Isomerization I Isomerism
Isotope I Mass Spectrometry
IUPAC I Nomenclature
Jahn-Teller Effect I Advanced Physical
Joule GEN
Jones Reagent II Redox Reactions
Ka I Acids and Bases
kcal / kilocalorie or Calorie I Equilibrium
kJ / kilojoule I Equilibrium
Kekule Structure I Representing Organic Compounds
Keq I Equilibrium
Keto form I Tautomerism/Tautomerization
Ketone II Ketones and Aldehydes
Ketose II Sugars
Ketoxime II Sugars
Kinetic Control I Kinetics vs Thermodynamics
(the opposite of d) I Stereochemistry
L- (the opposite of D-) I Stereochemistry
Lactam II Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Lactone II Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Late Transition state I The Transition State
LDA (lithium diisopropylamide) II Ketones and aldehydes
Le Chatelier’s Principle GEN
Leaving Group I Substitution; Elimination
Leucine II Peptides and Proteins
Levorotatory I Stereochemistry
Lewis Acid-Base I Acids and Bases
Lewis Dot Structure I Bonding and Hybridization
Lewis Structure I Bonding and Hybridization
Ligand I Organometallics
Limiting Reagent LAB
Lipid II Fats and Lipids
Lipophilic II Fats and Lipids
Lipophobic II Fats and Lipids
London disperson Force I Intermolecular Forces
Lone Pair I Bonding and Hybridization
Long-Range Coupling I NMR Spectroscopy
Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (LUMO) I Molecular Orbitals
Lysine II Peptides and Proteins
mu (µ) I Dipole Moment
M I Mass Spectrometry
M+1 I Mass Spectrometry
M+2 I Mass Spectrometry
m/z I Mass Spectrometry
Main Group Elements I Trends in the Periodic Table
Major groove II Nucleic Acids
Markovnikov Addition I Electrophilic Addition
Markovnikov’s Rule I Electrophilic Addition
Mass Spectrum I Mass Spectrometry
Mass Spectrometry I Mass Spectrometry
McLafferty Rearrangement I Mass Spectrometry
mCPBA I Redox Reactions
Me- I Nomenclature
Mechanism I Arrow Pushing and Mechanism
Medicinal Chemistry II Medicinal Chemistry
Melting Point LAB
Mercaptan I Sulfur Compounds
Meso Compound I Stereochemistry
Mesomerism (see resonance) I Stereochemistry
Mesylate I Substitution
Meta I Reactions of Benzene
Meta Director II Reactions of Benzene
Metals and Metalloids I Transition Metals
Metabolism II Biochemistry
Methanesulfonate I Substitution
Methanesulfonic Acid I Substitution
Methine Group I NMR Spectroscopy
Methionine II Peptides and Proteins
Methylene group I NRM Spectroscopy
Microscopic Reversibility I Rxn Coord Diagrams
Mineral Acid I Acids and Bases
Minor Groove II Nucleic Acids
Miscible I Solvents
Moiety I Functional Groups
Mol Gen
Molar Mass Gen
Mole Gen
Molecular Formula Gen Alkanes
Molecular Ion I Mass Spectrometry
Molecular Model Kit I Blog
Molecular Sieve LAB
Molecular Weight (MW) GEN
Molozonide I Redox reactions
Molecular Orbital (MO) I Molecular Orbitals
Monosubstituted I Alkenes
Multiplet I NMR Spectroscopy
Mutarotation II Sugars
N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) I Electrophilic Addition, Radicals
N-chlorosuccinimide (NCS) I Electrophilic Addition
N-iodosuccinimide (NIS) I Radicals
n I Nomenclature
n-BuLi I Alkanes
n+1 Rule I NMR Spectroscopy
4n Rule II Aromaticity
4n+2 Rule II Aromaticity
NaBH4 I Redox Reactions
NaH I Substitution; Alcohols
Named Reaction I Named Reactions
Natural Product     (Organic I, Intro to Synthesis) II Other Organic Divisions
Newman Projection I Conformational Analysis
Nitration II Reactions of Benzene
Nitrile II Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Nitro Compounds II Reactions of Benzene
Nitrogen (Walden) Inversion I Stereochemistry
Nitrogen Rule I Mass Spectrometry
NMR I Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Node I Atoms and Orbitals
 Nomenclature I Nomenclature
Non-first Order Coupling I NMR Spectroscopy
Non-first Order Splitting I NMR Spectroscopy
Nonaromatic II Aromaticity
Non-bonded Electron Pair I Mass Spectrometry
Non-decoupled II C NMR Spectroscopy
Nonpolar Solvent II Solvents
Non-spontaneous Reaction I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Nonsuperimposable I Chirality
Nu: I Reaction Mechanism
Nuclear Spin Flip I NMR Spectroscopy
Nucleic Acids II Nucleic Acids
Nucleophile I Reaction Mechanisms
Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution II Reactions of Benzene II
Nucleophilicity I Reaction Mechanism
Nucleoside II Nucleic Acids
Nucleotide II Nucleic Acids
Octet Rule I Bonding and Hybridization
Olefin I Alkenes
One Equivalent LAB
One Molecule Rule I
Optical Activity I Chirality
Optically Inactive I Chirality
Organometallic Compound I Organotransition metal compounds
Organolithium Reagent I The strongest bases
Ortho II Reactions of Benzene
Ortho-Para Director II Reactions of Benzene
OMs I Substitution
OTf I Substitution
OTs I Substitution
Oxaphosphetaine II Ketones & Aldehydes)
Oxidant I,II Redox Reactions
Oxidation I,II Electrophilic Addition
Oxime II Ketones and Aldehydes
Oxonium Ion II Ketones and Aldehydes
Oxyanion I Substitution
Ozone I Redox Reactions
Ozonolysis (Harries Reaction) I Redox Reactions
Pi (p) bond I Bonding and Hybridization
pi (p) orbital I Bonding and Hybridization
pi* (p*) orbital I Bonding and Hybridization
p orbital I Bonding and Hybridization
Para II Reactions of Benzene
Paraffin I Alkanes
Pentet I NMR Spectroscopy
Peptide II Peptides and Proteins
Peptide Bond II Peptides and Proteins
Peracetic Acid I Redox Reactions
Peracid I Redox Reactions
Percent Yield LAB
 Permanganate I Redox Reactions
Peroxide I Radical Reactions
pH I Acids and Bases
pKa I Acids and Bases
Pharmacology II Drugs and Enzymes
Phenol     (Organic II, Reactions of Benzene) II Reactions of Benzene
Phenyl Group (Ph-) I Nomenclature
Phenylalanine II Peptides and Proteins
Phospholipid II Fats and Lipids
Phosphodiester II Nucleic Acids
Photochemistry II Pericyclic Reactions
Photolysis II Radical Reactions
Photon Gen
pi-cation interaction II Secondary Spatial Effects
pi stacking II Secondary Spatial Effects
piperidine II Heterocycles
pKa I Acids and Bases
pKb I Acids and Bases
Plane Polarized Light I Chirality
Polar Covalent Bond I Bonding and Hybridization
Polar Solvent I Solvents
Polarimetry I Chirality
Polarizability GEN
Polypeptide II Peptides and Proteins
Polysaccharide II Sugars
Potential Energy I Kinetics and Thermodynamics
ppm I NMR Spectroscopy
Pr- (propyl substituent) I Nomenclature
Precipitation LAB
Primary I Classifying Carbons
Prodrug II Drugs and Enzymes
Product I Mechanism
Proline II Peptides and Proteins
Propagation I Radical Reactions
Progargyl Position I Resonance
Protection I Ketones and aldehydes
Protecting Groups II Protecting Groups
Protein II Peptides and Proteins
Protic Solvent I Solvents
Proton I Atoms and Molecules
Proton NMR I NMR Spectroscopy
Protonate I Catalysis
p-Toluenesulfonate I Substitution/Elimination
p-TsCl I Substitution/Elimination
p-TsOH I Substitution/Elimination
Purine II Nucleic Acids
Pyran II Alcohols, Ethers & Epoxides
Pyridine II Aromatics
Pyrimidine II Nucleic Acids
Pyrrole II Aromatics
Pyrrolidine II Aromatics
Quantum Mechanics I Electron Configuration
Quantum Numbers I Electron Configuration
Quartet I NMR Spectroscopy
Quaternary Carbon I Classifying Carbon
Quaternary Structure I Peptides & Proteins
Quintet I NMR Spectroscopy
R  = Universal Descriptor I Nomenclature
R Group I Nomenclature
Racemic I Stereochemistry
Racemic Mixture (or racemate) I Stereochemistry
Radical or Free Radical I Radicals
Radical Cation I Mass Spectrometry
Rate-Determining Step Or Rate-Limiting Step I Rxn Coord Diagrams
Reactant I Mechanism
Reaction Coordinate I Rxn Coord Diagrams
Reaction Mechanism I Mechanism
Reaction Product I Organic Reactions
Reactive Intermediates I Carbocations
Reactivity-Selectivity Principle I Kinetics & Thermodynamics
Rearrangement Reactions I, II Carbocations
Reducing Agent or Reductant I Redox Reactions
Reduction Reaction I Redox Reactions
Regioselectivity I Regiochemistry
Resolution I Separation Methods
Resonance I Resonance I
Resonance Contributor I Resonance I
Resonance Form (Prioritizing) I Resonance I
Retroaldol II Ketones & Aldehydes
Retro Diels-Alder I Dienes
Retrosynthesis I Intro to Synthesis
Ribonucleic Acid II Nucleic Acids
Ribose II Nucleic Acids
Ring Flip I Conformational Analysis
Ring Strain I Conformational Analysis
RNA II Nucleic Acids
sigma bond I Bonding and Hybridization
s orbital I Bonding and Hybridization
s* orbital I Bonding and Hybridization
S I Stereochemistry
s-cis I Dienes
s-BuLi II Carbon Bases
s-Trans I Dienes
Sanger’s Reagent II Nucleic Acid (Sequencing)
Saponification II Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Saturated I Alkanes
Sawhorse Projection I Representing Organic Compounds
Saytseff’s Rule (Zaitzev) I Elimination
Schiff Base II Ketones and Aldehydes
sec-butyl group I Nomenclature
Secondary Structure II Peptides and Proteins
Serine II Peptides and Proteins
Sextet I NMR Spectroscopy
Side Chain I Nomenclature
Shielded I NMR Spectroscopy
Single bond I Bonding and Hybridization
Singlet I NMR Spectroscopy
Skeletal Formula I Representing Organic Compounds
SN1 Mechanism I Substitution
SN2 Mechanism I Substitution
Sodium Borohydride (NaBH4) I Redox Reactions
Sodium Hydride I Bases
Solubility I Solvents
Solute I Solvents
Solvent I Solvents
Solvent Cage I Solvents
Solvolysis I SN1 and E1
sp orbital I Hybridization
sp2 orbital I Hybridization
sp3 orbital I Hybridization
Space-Filling Model I Representing Organic Compounds
Specific Rotation I Chirality
Spectrometry I Structural Elucidation
Spectroscopy I Structural Elucidation
Spin Quantum Number I Electron Configuration
Spin-Spin Coupling I Spectroscopy
Spirocyclic II Polycyclic rings systems
Splitting (of Peaks) I NMR Spectroscopy
Spontaneous Change I Thermodynamics
Squiggly Line I Representing organic compounds
Staggered I Newman Projections
Starting Material I Reactions
Stereocenter I Chirality
Stereochemistry I Stereochemistry
Stereoselective I Chirality
Stereospecific I Stereochemistry
Steric Effect I Stereoelectronics
Steric Hindrance I Conformational Analysis
Steric Number I Conformational Analysis
Steric Strain I Conformational Analysis
Steroid II Lipids and Fats
Stoichiometry GEN
Stretching Frequency I IR Spectroscopy
Sublimation GEN (s) à (g)
Substituent I Nomenclature
Substitution Reaction I Classes of reaction
Substrate I Mechanism
Sucrose II Sugars
Suicide Inhibitor II Drugs, Enzymes, & Kinetics
Sulfide I Functional Groups
Sulfonamide II Functional Groups
Sulfonate I Functional Groups
Sulfonate Anion I Functional Groups
Sulfonate Ester I Functional Groups
Sulfonation II Reactions of Benzene
Sulfone I Functional Groups
Sulfonic Acid II Functional Groups
Sulfonyl Chloride (thienyl chloride) II Substitution
Sulfoxide I Functional Groups
Superimposable I Chirality
Suspension GEN
Symmetric Stretching I IR spectroscopy
Syn I Modes of Addition
syn addition I Modes of Addition
Syn-periplanar I Dihedral geometry
Synthesis I Chemical Synthesis
t-BuLi II Strongest base you can buy
Tautomer I Tautomerization
Tautomerization I Tautomerization
t-Bu I Ter-butyl
t-BuOH I t-butyl alcohol
Terminal alkene I Alkenes
Terminal alkyne I Alkynes
Termination I Radical Reactions
Termolecular I Electrophilic Addition
Tertiary I Classifying carbon
Tetrahedral Carbon I Classifying carbon
Tetrahedral Intermediate I Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Tetrahydrofuran (THF) I Solvents
Tetramethylsilane (TMS) I NMR Spectroscopy
Tetrasubstituted I Alkene stability
Theoretical Yield GEN Lab
Thermodynamic Control I Kinetics vs. Thermodynamics
Thioester I Functional Groups
Thioether I Functional Groups
Thiol I Functional Groups
Thiolate I Functional Groups
Thiophene I Heterocycles
Threonine II Peptides and Proteins
Thymine II Nucleic Acids
Titration I Acids and Bases
Toluene I Aromaticity
Torsional Strain I Conformational Analysis
Tosylate I Substitution
trans I Stereochemistry
Transesterification II Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Transition Metals II Organometallics
Transition State I Reaction Mechanism
Tricyclic I Polycyclic compounds
Triflate I Super Leaving groups
Triflic Acid I Substitution
Triglyceride II Fats and Lipids
Triose II Sugars
Triple Bond I Alkynes
Triplet I NMR Spectroscopy
Triplet of doublets I NMR Spectroscopy
Trisubstituted I Alkenes
Tritium 3H I Mass Spectrometry
Tryptophan II Peptides and Proteins
Two-Dimensional NMR II NMR spectroscopy
Tyrosine I Peptides and Proteins
Unimolecular I Kinetics
Unsaturated I Fats and Lipids
Upfield I NMR Spectroscopy
Uracil II Nucleic Acids
Valence I Trends in the Periodic Table
Valence Bond Theory I Theory
Valence Electron I Electron Configuration
Valence Shell I Electron Configuration
Valine I Peptides and Proteins
Van der Waals Forces I Intermolecular Interactions
Van’t Hoff Rule I Stereochemistry
Vapor Pressure LAB
Vaporization GEN
Vicinal I Nomenclature
Vinyl group I Nomenclature
Vinylic Position I Nomenclature
Vitamin II Enzymes and Co-factors
Walden Inversion I Stereochemistry
Watson-Crick Base Pair II Nucleic Acids
Wavenumber (cm-1) I IR Spectroscopy
Wavy Line I Representing Organic Compounds
Wedge I Representing Organic Compounds
Williamson Ether Synthesis I Named Reactions
Wittig Reaction II Ketones and Aldehydes
Wolff-Kischner Reduction II Redox Reactions
% Percent Yield LAB
Ylide (or ylid) II Ketones and Aldehydes
 Z (Ger. Zussamen) I Stereochemistry
Zaitsev’s Rule I Elimination
Zig-Zag Structure (see line-angle) I Drawing Organic Structures
 Zwitterion (‘w’ pronounced as ‘v’) II Peptides and Proteins




Organic-ese Organic Chemistry




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