Chair Cylohexane cis 1,2-dimethylcyclohexane

Chair Cyclohexane

The Flipping Chair Chair Cyclohexane Conformers (Chair-Boat-Chair Interconversion) You should expect some variant of the following question: Draw the most stable conformational isomer of trans-1,4-diethylcyclohexane. So far you've looked at the energy diagrams of molecules in different shapes or conformations using what are known as Newman Projections. This is n-butane in its most stable conformation. The...

molecular model set

Molecular Model Set: How it Use it

The Organic Chemistry Molecular Model Set and You It is a good idea and probably a requirement that you purchase (or borrow or use any that happen to be available).  Whether you use it a lot or not, a molecular model set for organic chemistry is advisable. As you might expect, a...